How to add an address to a multisig?
Scenario: you want to use a different f1 ledger address to sign but it is not in the allocator multisig
Find your Multisig (f2) number
Go to your allocator registry json file in GitHub.
Search for your allocator number (it’s the application number) or search the allocator name in the search box
Find your allocator from the list and open the file. At the bottom you’ll see the msig details that the governance team has on file for your allocator. Copy the f2 number
Add a new ledger address to your allocator multisig
Go to:
Paste your multsig number in the ‘Enter multisig number’ field on the left side.
(If you do not know your multisig number, see steps above)Click ‘Add Exisiting Multisig’.
4. Connect your ledger to your computer. Click Connect Ledger button on the top right.
5. Scroll down to the section named ‘Required Approvals’.
6. Click Add Signer button
NOTE: you must be using an f1 wallet address that is already listed on the signer address list. If not, start over and use one of the addresses
NOTE 2: Once you enter, check if you must have FIL in the wallet of the f1 address that is signing. You must have a balance to be able to sign.
7. Enter in the new f1 wallet address that you want to add to the multisig in the ‘New Signer’ field.
8. Click Send.